Sunday, October 7, 2007

I thought i'd share with u.

Tpiranhas 2002

If I'm not wrong that's the year i first tasted Coaching. And these are my first babies. i remember all of them. Liza, sophia, bedah, Ju, Dawne, Paki, Farrah, Maggie, Lin, Dolly, Eda, Leona, Nora, And Raudha (missing's Ngoi, Das, Siti K, Nunu and Shaz)

Loved every single one of them. all of them brought into my life something special. One with their wacky ideas then their monsterness. at the end of the day.. i learned soo much from them as much as i hope they learnt alot from me. as much anger they had when they play, they still loved each other and that showed alot on and off the field. ok maybe there were one or two problems but that's natural workin with people. Dun expect flowers everyday. hehe but yeah i had soo much fun coaching them. Lovely bunch of girls. Now all moving on with their lives, with or without rugby. What i did successfully with them i guess wasn't the wins, (we had memorable losses) it was the friendship. *smile* sweet..

Coyotes 2007

Now this is the new era of my babies. Ning, khoo, ifa, chua, mag, ho, cc, ya, jane b, shihan, stepho, eda, maggie and lane. (missing, vie, jane kwang and qiao ying) Different faces but same energy i had with the first one. This one was a challenge to work with cos they didn't start with me. they started somewhere else. So laying down the ground work was pretty hard. but hell if im not going to infect them with the right attitude.. then my job's not done. at the end of the day, hopefully, friendship. If not Mutual understanding and respect. cos we're faced with different personalities, background and age group.
This team's still struggling to find their common ground. Still faced with challenges and differential perceptions. But boy when they get their shit together, U should see them play, Damned they play even better than the best team in the league! and they surprise me sometimes even more, themselves. u can sense the other team trembling when they step on the pitch. Yeah it was a challenge to get them to see what they are capable of as a team. but struggles and challenges are part of bonding a team. And i enjoy every bit of it (even as much as i sometimes get upset abt it. heh)

they're not perfect. but who's asking for perfection? They are an acquired taste. *smile*

So why do i do all these again? Cos ten years down the road i get to look back at these faces, and smile cos i see that at least something that i've taught touched a bit of their lives. I push my girls to be better than they could ever be. I teach them never to settle in their comfort zone and i always push them beyond their capabilities. Cos I know for a fact they have the potential to be more than who they think they can be. and of course i will never allow them to lower their values to get what they want. Always play with integrity and pride.
What players dun understand is that getting people to work together is very diffficult. it is like art. You can be as creative in the approach but the basic disciplines must always be present. And the balance between free will and discipline is what makes a team work.

When i first met the tpiranhas they were full of questions, doubts and fears. And now all of them are finding their own paths and making their decisions. Now. questions, doubts and fears are replaced with certainity, assuredness and confidence.

If i met the tpiranhas again i would want to say to them that i'm glad i coached you, thanks for all that u've taught me and thanks for all the bad times and good times. I am proud of each and everyone of you, Definitely happy that our paths crossed.

Mag and eda thanks for sticking around. I'm so glad the passion hasn't died in you yet. I can see that you guys have grown so much in touch. In every single aspect of it. mentally and physically.
I hope you got all that you've wanted out of playing this game.
Night everyone


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