Thursday, August 23, 2007

post mortem.

I decided to do a post mortem on our weekly trainings cos apparently not all of us are down for training (which i am presumably disappointed. but like i always say what u give is what u get at the end o the day. you guys gotta start taking ownership of ur individual responsiblities. so if your absence results in the team's loss than i hope u will feel really bad about it.) So maybe this could help everyone keep up to date on what is going on.


Poison Ball.
Aim: To strengthen our communication and passing by introducing a non-intimidating environment to encourage free play and fun.
Found out that every one visibly has their own mind when they were trying to tag a player out. (relating back to our game, we each have our own mind which caused us all to not perform as a team.) resulting in communication breakdown and drop balls. Trick of the game is for all in a team to have one mind and one target. to take out one player at a time. Second round worked out better cos of better communication and clearer objectives.

4 on 3 game play
objectives: Applying what we have learnt from poison ball, more communication n having one play at a time. the drill starts with a ruck with a 1 or 2 followed by a drag and utilising the gap that was created to score.

Problems: Players not communicating whether they are taking the dump or indicating to the runners whether they were in a good position to recieve the ball and score. Players are also not dumping and getting out quickly rather they stay and distrupt the game flow. we also realised that there were no playmakers in the team. which means everyone are forced to be a playmaker and this time and everyone has to start having ownership of the ball and the play.


aim: instinct, communication and smart reaction.

aim is to visualise the best decision to offload the ball. it should be instinctive and spontaneous. also involves alot of talking. started off rather slow with everyone just standing around and expecting something to happen. slowly along the way the game picked up and people are starting to take ownership of creating during the game. in the end, better decision and smarter reaction.

5v4 *concentrating on 1 or 2 rucks followed by a drag and a score

met the objectives at the end of it. Most of the players are beginning to take ownership of the game instead of depending on each other to create. Players are beginning to make better decisions. reactions are getting better however players tend to get distracted easily by excitement or disappointment thus resulting in poor flow. (ie drop balls).

The team still need to work on recieving the ball on the run. alot of players are still standing flat and only deciding to run when they haf the ball. some players also still tend to play their own game instead of listening to the team's call. resulting in wat i now will term as pingpong. (Back and forth play)

Saturday. Follow the flow we have been having during training. i think our chemistry and confidence is taking a slow walk up to getting better. keep in mind individual things that i have mentioned to each of you to improve. and hopefully we'll get our shit together by this game against margaritas. there were flashes of brilliances during this week's training. All i need from the coyotes are for ALL of you to bring your game this sat.

Remember girls play hard. have fun. after game we chill and have lunch together. Lets shrek it out.

Just a reminder. I somehow feel that the same group of people find it difficult to just listen when someone's addressing the team. I as a matter of fact have been involved in that disrespectful position. i understand that u haf things to talk about. but im sure u can talk about those things after training. considering that I only get to talk to you for 2 hours, I'm sure u guys will be allow me to haf that time to 'socialise' with you guys. and this does not only apply to me but also to anybody in the team who is addressing the team. it's basic courtesy girls. please take pride in that. and im sure when its ur turn to talk we'll be respectful too.

secondly, I was disappointed to see not all of you were jogging back as a team after wednesday's training and warm downs was dragged cos of a couple of jokers who have decided to take their own sweet time to start warming down. again, respectfully guys training would end on time if we all would simply just do things quickly. like coming in and stretch after every session. instead of drinking or talking amongst ourselves. its pretty apparent that we are starting to get back to our old habits. SO lets just be aware of all this and improve on it. I hope this is the last time i see the disappointing side of coyotes.

there's a line between work and play. we work hard and play hard. but there's always time to work and time to play. i hope you guys know when it is cool to cross the line and when it is not. We are all adults here and i respectfully will treat everyone as an adult until otherwise proven that u guys dun deserve to be treated like one.

Respect each other guys, then people will start respecting you.



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