Wednesday, March 14, 2007

vs Blacks Score (4-3)

Hot STL saturday. i liked the second half. it could haf been better tho. These are the little things i haf observed during the game;

  • Running lines: we could haf done better with steeper lines of attacks and people actively runnin on to the gaps at a more efficient pace. players were hafin problems with their timings into the gaps as there were plentiful of hesitant runs and drop balls.
  • Acting half: the acting half still haf to work on quicker decisions as to what kind of passes they are going for (short or long) or whether they are doing a quick pass or a run pass. these two cant come together. one decision has to be made.
  • Wingers: Wingers are sometimes too steep and slow to run at the ball at an aggressive pace. This results in the reciever getting the ball before the line of defence and by the time they recieve the ball, the defence is up and they could see where the runner's coming from. Wingers or whoever recieving the ball. ur timing and reaction should be quick and unpredictable so that the defence is unable to predict ur next move. u should be recieving the ball at pace through the line of defence. u can also choose to change ur direction while running. QUick and unpredictable. that is why running hard into the gap is so important.

  • Defence: people are still hesitant in defence. defence Should be aggressive n tight. it should be played as a team. U also haf to haf quick reaction to the change of runs the opposition has. i still find people at the try line not communicating who their men is. i STILL find two players goin for a man. i STILL find players shootin off the line of defence. i still find players not listening to their teammates. it is ESSENTIAL that all players please take heed to the discipline in defence. the worst defence is defence that loses its cool. so compose urself and trust ur teammates. and.. COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE. Some of us still haf problems predictin where the ball will go next. if u can predict the play of the other team then defence will be easily communicated and u'll haf more confidence defending the opposition. work on predicting plays.

On the other hand, these are the things that are working out for you guys last sat;

  • Penalties/change overs: there were lesser penalties and change over for u guys compared to the other team. tho we had numerous not square and off the marks. these are simple things which i hope u guys will work on. work hard on trying to minimise the number of penalties each of u get. we had more possession which is of course what i am happy with however, we still were not composed at try line attack. More composure = m,ore vision= more scores.

  • Sub box: our sub box even tho it was shaky and people were slow in gettin out, i like how aggressive we are on gettin on the pitch as compared to before. it was at a faster pace and i could see the opponents gettin nervous when we shout 'sub box'. we should use it to our advantage

  • Game plays: as much as we still haf to work on our 3 on 2 situations, i find that u guys haf are doing excellently with extra man. the blacks defence were moving relentlessly from the start. good communication o n the extra man. all we haf to do is to get everyone on the same page and we'll be good for next week. i see girls on the pitch starting to get alil bit of vision and direction for the game with the ontroduction of extra man.. (trust me u didnt even haf that when u started with me hehmaybe only some of us do). . good on u guys. just keep going. our attacks are looking good. not perfect but good. remember.. we coyotes are going for extreme perfection.

best playmaker: Nure
best support player: Jane
best team player: Siti K

( i forgot ah.. heehee is this correct?)


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